Code courses
BCS Apprenticeship
Over a 13 Month period I completed a level 4 Software Developer course through NorthCoders.
Date Completed - February 2023
AWS Cloud Practitioner
As part of my apprenticeship there was this option exam in aws products that could be taken, which I took and passed.
Date Completed - January 2023
uDemy - Angular and NgRx
I was keen to move away from an inperative style work more reactively as this is what Angular is built on. This course offered this learning a long with gaining an understanding of state management.
Date Completed - December 2022
uDemy - Node.js & Express Bootcamp
As the application at work was going live to external users I needed to make sure the authenification and the node app was protecting our end points correctly.
Date Completed - December 2022
Angular University - Angular Forms In Depth
As forms are such an important part of any application to ensure a great experience for the user and data integrity. I wanted to learn the best practices and this course offered that.
Date Completed - April 2022
Angular University - RxJs In Practice
I took this course to learn reactive style, I was keen to bring my thought processes inline with how an angular application is meant to be built.
Date Completed - March 2022
Angular University - Reactive Angular Course
I took this course to learn reactive style, I was keen to bring my thought processes inline with how an angular application is meant to be built..
Date Completed - February 2022
Angular University - Beginners Course
To enable me to develop in ANgular I needed to be able to use it and this along with the Angular Website helped me get started.
Date Completed - August 2021
MongoDB University - Several of their courses
I was moving from using SQL Databases to MongoDB (NoSQL) for the first time. These course (M001, M100, M121, M220JS) helped me get started but my skills were gained from putting them into practice.
Date Completed - August 2021
Colt Steele - Git & GitHub
I had not used version control and this seemed like a good way to gain a deeper understanding that I could not get from the free material.
Date Completed - July 2021
uDemy - Node.js API With MongoDB
I had never done a backend language before so this help get me started and used MongoDB which I was at work too.
Date Completed - July 2021
Colt Steele - React Bootcamp
As part of the bootcamp and knowing I would be teaching React.js I felt I needed to get a better understanding which this course enabled.
Date Completed - April 2021
PurpleBeard Bootcamp
FrontEnd Bootcamp where learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React.js.
Date Completed - March 2021