Video - Created 2024
The video was created as my employeement with HumansNotRobots has come to an end in February and I to demostrate my commitment to finding new employeement in a video.
I am truly excited to move onto my next role/project and I look forward to having conversations discussing our future together.
Thanks taking the time to watch the video and explore my portfolio site.
Video - Created 2023
The video was created as my contract has finished with Bowler Eggs and I am actively looking for new employeement.
I understand Arnold Schwarzenegger may not immediately jump into peoples minds when you think of someone to look for a blueprint to a successful and happy life. I watched the video below many years ago and suddendly life made sense and I now new what I needed to do to be happy in life. I was lucky enough to stumble across the and finally I could see a route to a successful life as a developer. This brought a calm to my life and I think this combined with the knowlegde that every decision/change I had made in my life was getting me closer to an end goal. The realisation that life is a marathon and not a sprint allowed me to some up with a "plan" with a clearly defined end goal and many sub achievements a long the way which I am sticking to and achieving using Arnold blue print. His video showed me the little bit of pain I am incurring now in my journey gets me ever closer to my end goal of being a well rounded senior developer and maybe CTO one day if I choose.
I was once told "never compare your beginning with someone elses middle", this really helped me feel comfortable in this sector as it is easy to feel overwelmed when surrounded by intelligent and highly skilled people. We are all on our own journey and we all have value to bring to the table.
Thanks taking the time to watch the video and explore my portfolio site.
Reference Video
The video that helped me build a strategy to my life. Arnold is definitely an extreme character but I feel there is no denying what he has achieved in his life, literally everything he has put his mind to he has achieved. I think there are few of us out there that could say the same and would be foolish to not listen to his words of advice.
I promise you this 10 min video will not only help you to achieve great things in your life but also bring you happiness. If you are interested in being happy this is another video with some science behind it but persoanlly think a lot harder to achieve TED Talk - Robert Waldinger.
Video - Created 2021
The video was created primarily as a bit of fun to collaborate with a friend on creating something new that is rarely seen in the job market.
We had good fun trying out some different concepts and even though things outside of our control stopped the finished article that we wanted i.e. there was originally going to be a section where we used a TikTok effect to jump in and out of the park while I talked about what I like to do in my personal time. Adding the Star Wars theme to the video I think helps keep it in the light hearted spirit it was created in while adding a nice dimension to it.
Thanks Carly Foster for your time in collaborating on this and helping me.
Reference Video
This video was referenced in a youtube talk I watched on how to become an engineer. I think it is a real eye opener on the journey to becoming an engineer and how much you will have to put in to get there.