Skills Showcase
Below I have high-lighted 6 projects to showcase my skills. Languages I have used and length of experience with each one is here, hovering for experience.
Project 5 - React Hooks and JS Array learnings - March 2024
Just a simple site that I have created to improve my understand of React Hooks and JavaScript Array methods. I will use this to improve my memory muscle of these tools while I am not using them day in day out at the moment.
Project 4b - RestApi & MongoDB - February 2024
This is a node.js BackEnd that I have created to be accessible to all my showcase projects. I have gone the extra mile with this BackEnd by using TypeScript and ES6 modules. I will/have created video tutorials on how I created this as there seems to be so little in this style on the web.
Project 4a - Full Stack React - February 2024
Pushed myself to encapsulate all of my skills that I have acquired over the past years to showcase them in this single project. I am so proud of what I have created as I feel I am working as an engineer should using the tools of our trade as they are intended.
Project 3 - First Angular Site - September 2021
I was in the process of learning how to implement Angular in a production enviroment. I started this site to help me learn the concepts of Angular as well as implementing Libraries in my work. This site is actually connected to a Node.js BackEnd that is communicating with a MongoDB DataBase.
Project 2 - First Ever React Site - April 2021
The learning curve here was immense but I felt I delivered a site that utilised some of the key concepts of a framework i.e. client side routing. I have developed many React projects since but not my own so cannot share, but will use React to create Project 4.